DiskStation DS218j

Product name :DiskStation DS218j

Online price Mop:1,462
In-store cash price Mop:1,429

**Please read the ”Delivery Note” before ordering then select the Pick-up location.
*Select ”Online price - Pick-up at store”
Pay in full when ordering , then show the “Order No.” when pick-up .
*Select ”In-store cash price - Pick-up at store”
Pay deposit when ordering , then pay balance when Pick-up.




Stand-alone price (no built-in hdd):MOP1429

Hard disk price

2T :MOP600
3T :MOP900
4T :MOP1000



A versatile entry-level 2-bay NAS for home and personal cloud storage
Backup all your digital assets with Synology DS218j, a powerful 2-bay NAS with rapid data transmission and low power consumption, designed for home users.